Our Events

Our Most Valuable Events

Monthly Gathering for Remembrance (Dhikr)

A monthly gathering of zikr and dawat to cultivate righteousness, improve heart and sight, and thirst for knowledge is held on the first Friday of every Gregorian calendar.

Gayarvin Shareef

In memory of Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, the eleventh Sharif gathering is held on the first Friday of every month. This gathering is a source of spiritual blessings and great reform and training.

End Of Prophethood Conference

The “Annual Gathering for End of Prophethood Conference” is a event that brings together scholars, religious leaders, and believers from around the world to reaffirm the finality of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the last messenger of Allah.


Join us in our journey to create a harmonious and enlightened Ummah.

Let us together build a enlightened Ummah.

We cover a wide range of subjects, including Quranic studies, Hadith, Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), Islamic history, and contemporary issues from an Islamic perspective.

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