Allah’s Commandment Regarding Dua

In the rhythm of life, humans naturally face moments of need, uncertainty, and longing. During such times, the heart instinctively seeks a source of comfort and strength. In Islam, this instinct is not just a feeling; it is an invitation from Allah Himself to turn to Him in dua (supplication). Allah, in His wisdom, has commanded us to call upon Him, assuring us of His response. As He says in the Qur’an, “Call upon Me; I will respond to you” (Surah Ghafir 40:60). This commandment reflects a divine logic: while humans are limited in power and understanding, Allah is limitless, and through dua, we connect to that infinite source of mercy, guidance, and provision. The act of supplication is not only a request for help but an acknowledgement of our dependence on the One who controls all things.

Quranic Verses About Dua

I Accept The Supplication Of The Supplicant

Quran: Surat al-Baqarah

وَاِذَا سَاَلَكَ عِبَادِىْ عَنِّىْ فَاِنِّىْ قَرِيْبٌ        ۖ اُجِيْبُ دَعْوَةَ الـدَّاعِ اِذَا دَعَانِ        ۖ فَلْيَسْتَجِيْبُوْا لِـىْ وَلْيُؤْمِنُـوْا

(186)بِىْ لَعَلَّهُـمْ يَرْشُدُوْنَ

Translation: And O Habib! When my servants ask you about me, surely I am near, I pray 

I accept the supplication of the supplicant, when he supplicates to Me, he should obey My order.

Rumble and Pray

Qur’an: Surah Al-A’raf

(55)             اُدْعُوْا رَبَّكُمْ تَضَرُّعًا وَّخُفْيَةً     ۚ اِنَّهُ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُعْتَدِيْنَ

Translation: Supplicate to your Lord in a low voice. Verily, he likes the one who goes beyond limits.

Pray To Me

Qur’an: Surah Al-Mu’min

وَ قَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ادْعُوْنِیْۤ اَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْؕ-اِنَّ الَّذِیْنَ یَسْتَكْبِرُوْنَ عَنْ عِبَادَتِیْ سَیَدْخُلُوْنَ جَهَنَّمَ

(60) دٰخِرِیْنَ

Translation: And your Lord said: Pray to Me and I will accept your prayer. Indeed, those who are arrogant in worshipping Me will soon be humiliated and go to Hell.

Calling Him By His Attributes

Quran: Surah Bani Israel

قُلِ ادْعُوا اللّٰهَ اَوِ ادْعُوا الرَّحْمٰنَؕاَیًّا مَّا تَدْعُوْا فَلَهُ الْاَسْمَآءُ الْحُسْنٰى    ۚ   (110)

Translation: You say, Call Allah the Exalted or the Most Merciful, whatever you call them are His good names.

Allah Hears Everyone’s Prayers

Quran: Surah Yunus

قَالَ قَدْ أُجِيبَت دَّعْوَتُكُمَا فَاسْتَقِيمَا وَلَا تَتَّبِعَانِّ سَبِيلَ الَّذِينَ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ   (89)

Translation: Allah the Most High said, “Your supplications have been accepted. Stay steadfast and do not follow the path of the ignorant.”

Allah Gives You More Than You Ask

Quran: Surah al-Shura

(26)وَ یَسْتَجِیْبُ الَّذِیْنَ اٰمَنُوْا وَ عَمِلُوا الصّٰلِحٰتِ وَ یَزِیْدُهُمْ مِّنْ فَضْلِهٖؕوَ الْكٰفِرُوْنَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ شَدِیْدٌ

Translation: And He accepts the supplications of those who believe and do good deeds and bestows upon them more than His bounty

And for the disbelievers is a severe punishment

Who Is It Besides?

Quran: Surah Al-Imran

وَ  الَّذِیْنَ  اِذَا  فَعَلُوْا  فَاحِشَةً  اَوْ  ظَلَمُوْٓا  اَنْفُسَهُمْ  ذَكَرُوا  اللّٰهَ  فَاسْتَغْفَرُوْا  لِذُنُوْبِهِمْ       ۫ وَ  مَنْ  یَّغْفِرُ  الذُّنُوْبَ  اِلَّا  اللّٰهُ    وَ  لَمْ  یُصِرُّوْا  عَلٰى  مَا  فَعَلُوْا  وَ  هُمْ  یَعْلَمُوْنَ (135) اُولٰٓىِٕكَ  جَزَآؤُهُمْ  مَّغْفِرَةٌ  مِّنْ

(136)رَّبِّهِمْ  وَ  جَنّٰتٌ  تَجْرِیْ  مِنْ  تَحْتِهَا  الْاَنْهٰرُ  خٰلِدِیْنَ  فِیْهَاؕوَ  نِعْمَ  اَجْرُ  الْعٰمِلِیْنَﭤ

Translation: And those people who, when they commit an indecency or wrong their lives, remember Allah and seek forgiveness for their sins, and who can forgive sins except Allah, and these people deliberately insist on their bad deeds. don’t do These are the people whose reward is forgiveness from their Lord, and they are gardens beneath which rivers flow are ongoing (These people) will live forever in them (Paradise) and how good is the reward for those who do good deeds.

Allah, The Most Merciful, Returns With His Mercy

Qur’an: Surah Al-Nisa’

اِنَّمَا  التَّوْبَةُ  عَلَى  اللّٰهِ  لِلَّذِیْنَ  یَعْمَلُوْنَ  السُّوْٓءَ  بِجَهَالَةٍ  ثُمَّ  یَتُوْبُوْنَ  مِنْ  قَرِیْبٍ  فَاُولٰٓىٕكَ  یَتُوْبُ  اللّٰهُ  عَلَیْهِمْؕوَ  كَانَ  اللّٰهُ  عَلِیْمًا  (17)حَكِیْمًا

Translation: Allah Ta’ala has made it necessary for them to accept it by His grace. It is for those who do bad things out of ignorance and then turn away after a while. He has knowledge and wisdom.

Ask Allah For His Grace

Qur’an: Surah Al-Nisa’

وَ لَا تَتَمَنَّوْا مَا فَضَّلَ اللّٰهُ بِهٖ بَعْضَكُمْ عَلٰى بَعْضٍؕلِلرِّجَالِ نَصِیْبٌ مِّمَّا اكْتَسَبُوْاؕوَ لِلنِّسَآءِ نَصِیْبٌ مِّمَّا

(32)اكْتَسَبْنَؕوَ سْــئَلُوا اللّٰهَ مِنْ فَضْلِهٖؕاِنَّ اللّٰهَ كَانَ بِكُلِّ شَیْءٍ عَلِیْمًا

Translation: And do not desire that which Allah has favored one of you over the other. For men is a share of their deeds, and for women is a share of their deeds, and ask Allah for His bounty. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing.

To Repent

Qur’an: Surah Al-Nisa’

(64) وَ لَوْ اَنَّهُمْ اِذْ ظَّلَمُوْٓا اَنْفُسَهُمْ جَآءُوْكَ فَاسْتَغْفَرُوا اللّٰهَ وَ اسْتَغْفَرَلَهُمُ الرَّسُوْلُ لَوَجَدُوا اللّٰهَ تَوَّابًا رَّحِیْمًا

Translation: And if they wronged their own lives, then it is Habib! Had they appeared in your presence, then asked for forgiveness from Allah the Exalted and the Messenger (also) prayed for their forgiveness, they would have found Allah the Exalted to be very accepting and merciful.

Allah Alone Relieves Anxiety

Quran: Surah Al-Anam

قُلْ مَنْ یُّنَجِّیْكُمْ مِّنْ ظُلُمٰتِ الْبَرِّ وَ الْبَحْرِ تَدْعُوْنَهٗ تَضَرُّعًا وَّ خُفْیَةً   ۚ لَىٕنْ اَنْجٰىنَا مِنْ هٰذِهٖ لَنَكُوْنَنَّ مِنَ الشّٰكِرِیْنَ(63)قُلِ اللّٰهُ

(64)یُنَجِّیْكُمْ مِّنْهَا وَ مِنْ كُلِّ كَرْبٍ ثُمَّ اَنْتُمْ تُشْرِكُوْنَ

Translation: You say, who is he who saves you from the horrors of land and sea? You call upon Him muttering and in secret (and you say) if He delivers us from it, we shall surely be among the grateful. Say, Allah saves you from these horrors and from every anxiety, yet you commit shirk.

Pray With Fear

Qur’an: Surah Al-A’raf

(56)وَ ادْعُوْهُ خَوْفًا وَّ طَمَعًاؕاِنَّ رَحْمَتَ اللّٰهِ قَرِیْبٌ مِّنَ الْمُحْسِنِیْنَ

Translation: And supplicate to Al-Ghafoor Al-Rahim while fearing and coveting. Indeed, the mercy of Allah is close to the righteous people.

Ask Allah (Ghafoor-Ur-Rahim) For Help

Qur’an: Surah Al-A’raf

(128)لِقَوْمِهِ اسْتَعِیْنُوْا بِاللّٰهِ وَ اصْبِرُوْا    ۚ  اِنَّ الْاَرْضَ لِلّٰهِ  وقف  یُوْرِثُهَا مَنْ یَّشَآءُ مِنْ عِبَادِهٖؕوَ الْعَاقِبَةُ لِلْمُتَّقِیْنَ

Translation: Seek help from Allah Almighty and be patient. Verily, Allah is the Lord of the earth, He makes whoever He wills among His servants inheritors, and the good end is for the righteous.

O Beloved! Your Prayer Is The Comfort Of Their Hearts

Quran: Surah al-Tawbah

خُذْ مِنْ اَمْوَالِهِمْ صَدَقَةً تُطَهِّرُهُمْ وَ تُزَكِّیْهِمْ بِهَا وَصَلِّ عَلَیْهِمْؕاِنَّ صَلٰوتَكَ سَكَنٌ لَّهُمْؕوَ اللّٰهُ سَمِیْعٌ


Translation: O beloved! You collect Zakat from their wealth, with which you make them beautiful and pure, and supplicate for them. Verily, your supplications steal their hearts, and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

He Will Give You Good Benefits For Your Forgiveness

Quran: Surah Hud

وَّ اَنِ اسْتَغْفِرُوْا رَبَّكُمْ ثُمَّ تُوْبُوْٓا اِلَیْهِ یُمَتِّعْكُمْ مَّتَاعًا حَسَنًا اِلٰٓى اَجَلٍ مُّسَمًّى وَّ یُؤْتِ كُلَّ ذِیْ فَضْلٍ فَضْلَهٗؕوَ اِنْ تَوَلَّوْا فَاِنِّیْٓ اَخَافُ عَلَیْكُمْج عَذَابَ یَوْمٍ كَبِیْرٍ(3)اِلَى اللّٰهِ مَرْجِعُكُمْۚ-وَ هُوَ عَلٰى كُلِّ شَیْءٍ قَدِیْرٌ(4)

Translation: And ask for forgiveness from God, then repent to Him, and He will give you great benefits for a fixed period of time and He will bestow His grace on every virtuous person.

The Impatience Of Man

Quran: Surah Bani Israel

(11)وَ یَدْعُ الْاِنْسَانُ بِالشَّرِّ دُعَآءَهٗ بِالْخَیْرِؕ-وَ كَانَ الْاِنْسَانُ عَجُوْلًا

Translation: And (sometimes) a man prays for evil as he prays for good, and man is hasty.

Quran: Surah al-Isra

اُولٰٓئِكَ الَّـذِيْنَ يَدْعُوْنَ يَبْتَغُوْنَ اِلٰى رَبِّـهِـمُ الْوَسِيْلَـةَ اَيُّـهُـمْ اَقْرَبُ وَيَرْجُوْنَ رَحْـمَتَهٝ وَيَخَافُوْنَ عَذَابَهٝ ۚ اِنَّ عَذَابَ (57)رَبِّكَ كَانَ مَحْذُوْرًا

Translation: Those popular servants whom these disbelievers worship, they themselves seek a means to their Lord, who among them is the closest. They hope for the mercy of Allah the Exalted and fear His punishment. Indeed, the punishment of your Lord is something to fear.

Who Listens To The Cries Of The Forced?

Quran: Surat al-Naml

اَمَّنْ یُّجِیْبُ الْمُضْطَرَّ اِذَا دَعَاهُ وَ یَكْشِفُ السُّوْٓءَ وَ یَجْعَلُكُمْ خُلَفَآءَ الْاَرْضِؕءَاِلٰهٌ مَّعَ اللّٰهِؕقَلِیْلًا مَّا تَذَكَّرُوْنَ(62)

Translation: Or He who hears the cry of the distressed when he calls upon Him and averts evil and makes you inherit the earth. Is there any god with Allah? You receive very little advice.

Glory to Allah Almighty

Quran: Surat al-Naml

اَمَّنْ يَّهْدِيْكُمْ فِىْ ظُلُمَاتِ الْبَـرِّ وَالْبَحْرِ وَمَنْ  یُّرْسِلُ الرِّيَاحَ بُشْرًا بَيْنَ يَدَىْ رَحْـمَتِهٖقلے ءَاِلٰـهٌ مَّعَ اللّـٰهِ    ۚ تَعَالَى اللّـٰهُ عَمَّا


Translation: Who is it that shows you the way in the darkness of the forest and the river, and who sends the winds of good news before His mercy?

Gives You Sustenance From The Heavens

Quran: Surat al-Naml

اَمَّنْ یَّبْدَؤُا الْخَلْقَ ثُمَّ یُعِیْدُهٗ وَ مَنْ یَّرْزُقُكُمْ مِّنَ السَّمَآءِ وَ الْاَرْضِؕ-ءَاِلٰهٌ مَّعَ اللّٰهِؕ-قُلْ هَاتُوْا بُرْهَانَكُمْ اِنْ كُنْتُمْ (64)صٰدِقِیْنَ

Translation: Better is He who created the creation then will recreate it and He who provides you with sustenance from the heavens and the earth. Is there any other god with Allah the Exalted? You say: Bring your evidence if you are truthful

He Gives Forgiveness Even In The Late Hours Of The Night

Quran: Surah al-Ziyarat

(16)اِنَّ الْمُتَّقِیْنَ فِیْ جَنّٰتٍ وَّ عُیُوْنٍ(15)اٰخِذِیْنَ مَآ اٰتٰىهُمْ رَبُّهُمْؕاِنَّهُمْ كَانُوْا قَبْلَ ذٰلِكَ مُحْسِنِیْنَﭤ

Translation: Or surely the pious will be in gardens and fountains, taking the bounties of their Lord, surely they used to do good deeds before that, they would sleep less at night and ask for forgiveness in the late hours of the night.

He Will Bless You With Wealth And Children For Your Forgiveness

Quran: Surah Nuh

فَقُلْتُ اسْتَغْفِرُوْا رَبَّكُمْؕاِنَّهٗ كَانَ غَفَّارًا(10)یُّرْسِلِ السَّمَآءَ عَلَیْكُمْ مِّدْرَارًا(11)وَّ یُمْدِدْكُمْ بِاَمْوَالٍ وَّ بَنِیْنَ وَ (12)یَجْعَلْ لَّكُمْ جَنّٰتٍ وَّ یَجْعَلْ لَّكُمْ اَنْهٰرًاﭤ

Translation: So I said: (O people!) Ask for forgiveness from your Lord, surely He is Oft-Forgiving. He will send down upon you heavy rains. And He will help you with wealth and sons and He will make gardens for you. And will make for you canals.

Ask Others To Pray

Quran: Surah Nuh

(97)قَالُوا يَا أَبَانَا اسْتَغْفِرْ لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا إِنَّا كُنَّا خَاطِئِينَ

Translation: The sons said: O our father, ask forgiveness for our sins, surely we are sinners.

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